
I remember when Grammarly  first launched. It was a little rough around the edges and didn’t integrate so well with other systems. It felt like an unfulfilled promise. All that’s changed now! What exactly is Grammarly? Basically, it’s the guardian angel of spellcheckers. Once installed  (a 5-minute process), it checks spelling, punctuation and grammar on documents, emails, blog posts etc you create. I like to think I have a good grasp of the English language, but this software has pointed out previously unnoticed flaws in my comprehension! So if you’re a person spends any time communicating in any written format (in this day and age that’s pretty much all of us!!!) click here, set up your account, download and install the software and get using it!...

OTC Student take part in The Yale Young Scholar’s program.

The Yale Young African Scholars Program is a high-intensity academic and leadership program designed for Nigerian secondary school students who have the talent, drive, energy and ideas to make meaningful impacts as young leaders. 3 of our students were selected to take part in this prestigious and rigorous program: FEJIRO AMROHVE CHIDOZIE ONYEZE OYINDAMOLA DEPO-OYEDOKUN An exciting opportunity to meet other talented students, travel and continue your academic journey with a boost. We applaud you and wait with baited breath to see all that you accomplish in the...